The inspiration for cuddly olli

In January 2008 I was working as a graphic designer on the concept for a logo design, by rearranging shapes and changing colours I had created a sun with sunrays, and it was while moving some circles around that I noticed a tiny little character appear in one of the sunrays. I continued and looked, what would happen if I were to move other shapes and what I discovered really inspired me, I kept hold of the idea to develop it further at a later time…


The name Olli perfectly suited the simple and round shape that I had created and I quickly found Olli a friend and called him Jeujeu as the name reminded me of my own childhood cuddly! I was so excited and despite Olli and Jeujeu still being in the early stages I began thinking of turning the sketches into drawings and even bought fabric to bring Olli to life. Without any patterns, but working with the fabrics and inspiration I created Olli and this was just the beginning…!

The next morning I visited to my parents to show them my homemade idea and they were really enthusiastic.

Impressed by my creativity and energy around the two cuddle friends my mother and I developed the next steps. Unfortunately in this period my mother also became ill and sadly passed away. I cherish the brand Olli + Jeujeu for what it stand for nowadays, as it was the project in  the early stages I developed so closely with my mother.

With Olli + Jeujeu I want to show the importance of supporting each other, to have fun and to share friendship and memories together, and I hope Olli + Jeujeu become an inspiration for all children!

Fleur Suijten

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